Pidgin problem (obviously)

Robin Allen actualrobinallen at
Mon May 21 17:51:24 EDT 2012

Hey there, I'm not sure if this is the right place to be emailing but
anyway, I'm having some issues with Pidgin.

When I try and open a certain room (which is very busy) my client
freezes/won't load other rooms and I keep disconnected with the Ping Timed
Out error.

When I reconnect, none of the other rooms will load either (even if I don't
try and rejoin the busy one). There are no problems at all unless I try and
join this particular room.

I'm using the latest version and have already reinstalled.

The problem persists even after a restart of the client, and a restart of
the whole system.

Can you suggest a workaround or fix? (other than not going to that room)

Hope you can help,

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