Hostname vs Realm in XMPP

Paul paul_pidgin at
Tue May 21 10:31:43 EDT 2013

On 21/05/2013 23:59, Ethan Blanton wrote:
> Huh.  Can you check your Help | Build Information and tell me what it
> says about Cyrus SASL?  If it's enabled, can you rebuild with
> --disable-cyrus-sasl and see if that works?

Ah, I should have pointed out that this is the standard Windows client,
2.10.7, and so has Cyrus SASL enabled.  I don't have a Windows build
environment, so as a first step I would see if I can get the same thing
on linux - with SASL off and on.

>> But in the absence of an announced realm, does pidgin take it from
>> the domain field?
> I'd have to check the code.
If it didn't then the same problem would affect the pidgin servers.  It
must be an ejabberd issue specific to my server config.  That or the
pidgin client your are using is different I suppose.

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