WLM and MSN messenger no longer working?

David Woolley forums at david-woolley.me.uk
Sun Dec 7 04:38:17 EST 2014

On 07/12/14 03:09, Kevin Alan Tussy wrote:
> Is there a way to use skype?  and combine all the skype and msn contacts?

Skype's licensing is incompatible with Pidgin.  At least one reason for 
that is that Skype is now advertising funded, and an open source client 
could bypass the ads.  Skype's wire interface is encrypted and 
unpublished, so reverse engineering it hasn't proved practicable,

However, whilst MSN is likely to be permanently closed soon, are you 
sure you are using Pidgin 2.10.11, as Microsoft recently made a change 
that made their servers reject 2.10.10 and earlier.

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