Changing Pidgin Jabber/XMPP Response

Kelby Hunt huntk20 at
Wed Jan 29 14:40:08 EST 2014

Hi Pidgin support,

Is there a way to change the Jabber/XMPP response:

<iq type='result' to='manager.openfire' id='706-7072'><query
xmlns='jabber:iq:version'><name>Pidgin</name><version>2.10.7 (libpurple

I want to change the <name> inner text to something like "PIDGIN" to
prevent my companies openfire server blocking my Pidgin client. My IT is
new and they have no idea why it's being blocked from the past IT

Because when I connect, I get the following message:

<body>You are using an invalid client, and therefore will be disconnected.
Please ask your system administrator for client choices.</body>

I am pretty sure openfire is very limited on it's client blocking
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