Sourceforge pidgin download page blocked by google chrome as malicious

Ethan Blanton elb at
Tue Feb 24 14:03:58 EST 2015

Bogdan Harjoc spake unto us the following wisdom:
> Tried to get pidgin-2.10.11 for windows from, and after the 5
> second delay on sourceforge, was greeted by a red page in chrome, saying
> the site was blacklisted. I downloaded the file anyway and chrome deleted
> it after the download completed, calling the .exe 'malicious' as well.
> Virustotal says the file is clean (
> 2a2c58cba5f9360f5f48cc59ccb5e1f82d59c3cc87a52648e9bd45b3968e10e3
> ), maybe someone at google should be politely asked to drop
> from their blacklist ?

This is probably due to a recent, well-known bogus DMCA takedown
notice.  I expect the courts will straighten it out for us.


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