login to pidgin

David Woolley forums at david-woolley.me.uk
Sun May 31 13:07:53 EDT 2015

On 31/05/15 16:14, Royal Driskell wrote:
> Can you help me log into my pidgin? It is not allowing me to connect.

It's impossible to log in to Pidgin.  Pidgin isn't a server.  It is 
probably possible to log in to Oracle's internal IM (XMPP?) server, but 
you need to ask Oracle's IT department about that, as the people who use 
and maintain the open source client software have no knowledge of and no 
control over Oracle's internal systems.

Please explain to them why you were misled into asking on this, public, 
peer support mailing list.  Point out that the repeated such mistakes by 
Oracle employees are not good for its public image.  And, if possible, 
suggest how they could avoid it happening in future.

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