Unable to login - not authorized

David Woolley forums at david-woolley.me.uk
Mon Jun 12 17:43:06 EDT 2017

You appear to be trying to access Oracle's own internal instant 
messaging server and that is rejecting your request.  No-one on this, 
public, mailing list, and none of the Pidgin developers has any 
information about that server beyond the following.

We are advised that people within the Oracle network can use 
<http://my.oracle.com/site/git/1591/index.htm> for more information; for 
outsiders, like us, it just redirects to the public home page.

Please explain to the Oracle person dealing with your problem, why you 
didn't go there first and suggest how the repeated misdirections to this 
mailing list could be avoided.

On 12/06/17 22:23, Karlie Huey wrote:
> I’m receiving the following error message.  When I attempt to Re-enable,
> it times out and comes back to this message.  Please advise.

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