Unable to login in Pidgin

David Woolley forums at david-woolley.me.uk
Mon Mar 13 06:24:14 EDT 2017

On 13/03/17 10:15, vaibhav chavan wrote:

> I am not able to login to pidgin ,which is saying wrong password .
> Could you please help me with resetting password .

Pidgin is not something to which you can login.  It is something that 
you can use to login to many different things.  In your case, it is 
probably Oracle's internal messaging server, to which no-one on this 
list has access.

However, we understand that people with access to the Oracle VPN can get 
more information from  <http://my.oracle.com/site/git/1591/index.htm>, 
however we have no way of independently verifying this.

It generally surprises how many of the Oracle staff are unable to find 
the correct place to get IT support.

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