Pidgin can make you more money

Eion Robb eion at
Wed Jan 24 17:02:51 EST 2018


My name is Eion and I'd like to offer you a new way to stop being added to
spam blocklists.
The internet provides your marketeers an option to use your email client
for not sending spam by refusing to send unsolicited marketing garbage to
the Internet network.

We will pay you $0,000 USD a month for every 0K daily emails you stop
No collection of your terrible ethics, no disruption to our support users

I'd like to schedule a 15 minute call to let you know how you can shut up
and go away.  Are you available tomorrow at 3:25am your local time?

Best regards,

On 25 January 2018 at 02:29, <lior at> wrote:

> Hi,
> My name is Lior and I'd like to offer you a new way to make money off your
> software.
> The Luminati SDK provides your users the option to use your software for
> free by contributing to the Luminati proxy network.
> We will pay you $3,000 USD a month for every 100K daily active users.
> No collection of users' data, no disruption of user experience.
> I'd like to schedule a 15 minute call to let you know how we can start.
> Are you available tomorrow at 12:30pm your local time?
> Best regards,
> Lior
> --
> Lior Pinsler | Business Development, Luminati | +972-54-5322130 | Skype:
> lior at |
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