Send a message from command prompt

David Woolley forums at
Thu Mar 8 09:37:38 EST 2018

Did you really mean *from* pidgin?  If you are sending *to* pidgin, it 
doesn't matter how you send to the xmpp server, as pidgin will be on the 
far side of the server.  It looks to me that Pidgin has no command line 
send option.

A quick google came up with sendxmpp 
<>, but that 
might not be compatible with your OS.

I suspect it might be possible to script finch to do this, by 
redirecting its standard input.

On 08/03/18 13:59, muhammed masood wrote:
> I would like to know how to send a message from command prompt to pidgin 
> the protocol being used is xmpp.
> The version being used is pidgin 2.10.1

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