[Tracker] [Pidgin] #16: Ticket Reports changes

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Fri Nov 3 20:23:46 EST 2006

#16: Ticket Reports changes
  Reporter:  elb     |       Owner:  datallah                   
      Type:  defect  |      Status:  closed                     
  Priority:  minor   |   Milestone:  Go public with Pidgin 2.0.0
 Component:  trac    |     Version:  2.0                        
Resolution:  fixed   |    Keywords:                             
Comment (by elb):

 From the [wiki:TracReports trac reports] documentation:

   '''Note:''' ''The report module is being phased out in its current form
 because it seriously limits the ability of the Trac team to make
 adjustments to the underlying database schema. We believe that the query
 module is a good replacement that provides more flexibility and better
 usability. While there are certain reports that cannot yet be handled by
 the [wiki:TracQuery query module], we intend to further enhance it so that
 at some point the reports module can be completely removed. This also
 means that there will be no major enhancements to the report module

   ''You can already completely replace the reports module by the query
 module simply by disabling the former in trac.ini:''

 trac.ticket.report.* = disabled

   ''This will make the query module the default handler for the “View
 Tickets” navigation item. We encourage you to try this configuration and
 report back what kind of features of reports you are missing, if any.''

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/16#comment:3>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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