[Pidgin] #51: Add workspace support to libgnt, and a window manager that manages workspaces.

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Wed Apr 11 05:48:52 EDT 2007

#51: Add workspace support to libgnt, and a window manager that manages
  Reporter:  seanegan             |       Owner:  wabz
      Type:  enhancement          |      Status:  new 
  Priority:  major                |   Milestone:      
 Component:  finch (gnt/ncurses)  |     Version:  2.0 
Resolution:                       |    Keywords:      
Comment (by wabz):

 The way my patch does it is to just have a struct Workspace, which just
 has the list/ordered windows. The window manager creates the workspaces
 according to a config file, and calls gnt_wm_set_workspaces. (I guess the
 workspace could also have wm data, for say, a workspace type, ion3 style,
 like you mentioned)

 Then gntwm.c has functions like like gnt_wm_switch_workspace,
 gnt_wm_workspace_remove_widget, gnt_wm_workspace_add_widget etc. It used
 set_term, which worked fairly well until widgets had to be removed which
 weren't in the current workspace. So, it would be pretty easy to update
 this patch to just hide/show widgets instead of using set_term, and would
 take some complexities out (as the lock focus list stuff could probably
 just remain). To add a GntWS (rather than a struct) would just be a case
 of moving code around.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/51#comment:2>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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