[Pidgin] #262: Lack of channel mode display on IRC (and SILC)

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Tue Apr 24 13:05:18 EDT 2007

#262: Lack of channel mode display on IRC (and SILC)
  Reporter:  gw            |       Owner:     
      Type:  enhancement   |      Status:  new
  Priority:  minor         |   Milestone:     
 Component:  pidgin (gtk)  |     Version:  2.0
Resolution:                |    Keywords:     
Comment (by gw):

 You would know it and for example:
 - know that you can't set the topic if flag +t is set and you don't have
 - know that there is a limit (+l) for number of users that are allowed on
 a channel (and if you compare it to the number of users currently on it,
 you would know if you will be able to rejoin in a short time if you just
 quickly part the channel)
 - see the currently set key (+k pass) for joining channels and tell it to
 somebody else who you wish to invite
 - and also remember the key (+k pass) so that you can rejoin later
 - know that a person that is not on a channel can send messages to it (+n)
 - know that other users can see that you are on this channel (+s or +p)
 - ...

 So the main purpose of this is to see and know more information about
 different channels. At current state a user with op status can set channel
 modes manually with /mode command, but later this could also be
 implemented with a special window accessible under right-click or a drop
 down thing or something like that...

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/262#comment:2>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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