[Pidgin] #282: Misleading message about cancelled file transfer when transmitted successfully

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Thu Apr 26 13:25:48 EDT 2007

#282: Misleading message about cancelled file transfer when transmitted
  Reporter:  aevin         |       Owner:  nwalp
      Type:  defect        |      Status:  new  
  Priority:  minor         |   Milestone:       
 Component:  pidgin (gtk)  |     Version:  2.0  
Resolution:                |    Keywords:       
Comment (by Mike#):

 We also use gaim*2.0.0beta6 for WindowsXPSP2 (GTK+Runtime 2.10.7 rev a),
 encyption3Beta8 and Jabber-Accounts (server jabber.org) on both sides
 (*Pidgin). '''There was no success still now.''' We tried a lot, for
 example sending *.txt, *.gif, *.jpg, *.pdf, *.doc Files. We used the
 folders "my documents", so rights- problems shouldn't be there in any user
 account. UserB cancelled the transfer automatically (without any user-
 promts), too. Therefore the message should be that the transfer failed and
 not that the user breaks the transfer (what he haven't done, too). The
 transfer-details is Status 0%, speed 0,00 KB/s and time "not started":

 (18:36:41)  Angebot zum Senden von *.gif an UserB (Offering *.gif to

 '''(18:37:12)'''  UserB hat die Übertragung von *.gif abgebrochen.
 ('''UserB cancelled transfer of *.gif - what he (UserB) hasn't

 (18:42:04)  Angebot zum Senden von *.txt an UserB (Offering *.txt to

 '''(18:42:10)'''  UserB hat die Übertragung von *.txt abgebrochen.
 ('''UserB cancelled transfer of *.gif - what he (UserB) hasn't done''')


 (18:36:42)  UserA bietet an, die Datei *.gif zu senden (Offering *.gif to
 UserB, UserB say "yes")[[BR]]

 (18:37:07)  Starte die Dateiübertragung von *.gif von UserA (Starting
 transfer of *.gif from UserA)[[BR]]

 '''(18:37:12)'''  Sie haben die Dateiübertragung von *.gif abgebrochen.
 ('''No user cancelling- that message is not right, it was a cancelling by
 gaim/pidgin- programm''')[[BR]]

 (18:42:04)  UserA bietet an, die Datei *.txt zu senden (Offering *.txt to
 UserB, UserB say "yes")
 (18:42:09)  Starte die Dateiübertragung von *.txt von UserA(Starting
 transfer of *.gif from UserA)[[BR]]

 '''(18:42:10)'''  Sie haben die Dateiübertragung von *.txt
 abgebrochen('''No user cancelling- that message is not right, it was a
 cancelling by gaim/pidgin- programm''')

 I hope this information will help you. If you need more informations,
 please say what kind of and where I get them from my system. Maybe I test
 the sending with some others from here.

 This ticket isn't possible to open for me, perhaps there ist a solution
 inside, but I think it is too old for the Pidgin2- Vesion?
 Best Wishes,
 [205]: FILE TRANSFER WORKS! (You can now receive files, sorry, no send
     FILE TRANSFER WORKS! (You can now receive files, sorry, no send yet.)
     By warmenhoven — 04/29/00 19:30:52 <--- but it looks old (Year 2000).

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/282#comment:2>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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