[Pidgin] #320: XMPP URIs handled incorrectly

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Thu Apr 26 15:52:10 EDT 2007

#320: XMPP URIs handled incorrectly
  Reporter:  ltm        |       Owner:  rlaager
      Type:  patch      |      Status:  new    
  Priority:  minor      |   Milestone:  2.0.0  
 Component:  libpurple  |     Version:  2.0    
Resolution:             |    Keywords:         
Comment (by ltm):

 Replying to [comment:4 rlaager]:
 > ltm: From my reading of this patch, you've made this require xmpp://...
 and no longer accept xmpp:... Is that correct? If so, can you change that
 back? It's probably as simple as making it (//)? again and updating the
 match numbers. I don't have time to test this now, but if you make the
 changes, I can commit this.

 All the patch basically does is replacing (//)? with //. I did a fair
 amount of testing, so I'm very confident that the patch will work
 correctly and accept xmpp:... URIs. Perhaps the following decomposition of
 the regexp will clarify things.

  1. {{{xmpp:}}} - XMPP scheme
  2. {{{(//([^/?#]*)/?)?}}} - accountname prefixed with // and optionally
 postfixed with /
  3. {{{([^?#]*)}}} - screenname
  4. {{{(\?([^;#]*)}}} - command prefixed with ?
  5. {{{(;([^#]*))?)?}}} - params prefixed with ;
  6. {{{(#(.*))?}}} - fragment prefixed with # (not used by the handler)

 The URI xmpp:romeo at montague.net will be matched by 1 and 3.

 > Also, if you're not already in the COPYRIGHT file, what would you like
 there (typically your full name).

 I'm actually the original author of the url-handler so I'm already in

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/320#comment:9>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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