[Pidgin] #306: Buddy Icons (i.e. online status)

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Sat Apr 28 14:33:59 EDT 2007

#306: Buddy Icons (i.e. online status)
  Reporter:  themadhatter  |       Owner:        
      Type:  enhancement   |      Status:  closed
  Priority:  minor         |   Milestone:        
 Component:  pidgin (gtk)  |     Version:  2.0   
Resolution:  invalid       |    Keywords:        
Comment (by netswipe):

 Replying to [comment:12 seanegan]:
 > Replying to [comment:5 netswipe]:
 > > But why? That was a great thing. It made it easier to differ between
 contacts. And it gave me the feeling, that there at least ARE a lot of
 protocols and not just one.
 > > Metaphorical spoken: It seems that gaim has changed from very
 individual and custom house to a big cube with bright white walls.
 > I know this ticket is closed and all, but I just needed to reply to say
 that that's the most nonsensical metaphor I've ever seen. ;)
 Depends on how you understand it ;)

 > As for the question about file transfer, I suspect that what was meant
 is that sometimes it's useful to pick a buddy by their protocol as some
 protocols have different capabilities than others. The counterargument to
 that is that it's far more likely you'll think "I need to find Luke and
 send him a file," (that is the protocol is only of second importance,
 which is how it is currently represented (the protocol icon appears in the
 tooltip and right-click menu)) than it is to say "I need to find everyone
 whom I can send a file to, and then pick one at random" (which is what
 happens when the protocol icon is of primary importance.
 Thanks. That's what I wanted to know =) I feel glad, that there will still
 be icons of the protocol. Sorry for the trouble then ;) Hope you chose a
 nice one ^^

 > If file transfers are broken, and no ticket already exists, please
 submit a separate ticket for that.  one issue per ticket please :-)
 > One additional note: you may be interested in looking at the source of
 the contact priority plugin, and expanding it to let you manipulate
 priority on a per-buddy basis.  This plugin is in the source tarballs, but
 does not compile by default.
 And that's what I did... - I might try the plugin soon =) thanks.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/306#comment:13>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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