[Pidgin] #411: Entering a new away message weirdness

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Mon Apr 30 10:43:32 EDT 2007

#411: Entering a new away message weirdness
 Reporter:  pjakubo86     |       Type:  defect
   Status:  new           |   Priority:  minor 
Component:  pidgin (gtk)  |    Version:  2.0   
 Keywords:  away message  |  
 Every time I try to type a new away message (I'm using AIM), it reverts
 back to the last away message when I hit enter.  In previous versions, I
 used to do this, which would work:
 1. Click inside the away message text box
 2. Start typing a new away message in the text box
 3. The status dropdown text changes to reflect that I am "typing" a new
 4. When done, press enter
 5. The new away message is then committed.

 However, here is what I'm seeing on beta7:
 1. Click inside the away message text box
 2. Start typing a new away message in the text box
 3. The status dropdown text changes to reflect that I am "typing" a new
 4. When done, press enter
 5. The status dropdown text changes to just say "Away" again with a blue
 clock next to "Away" - however, the new away message has not been
 committed (if I look at my away message, it still shows the old one)
 6. Press enter again - now the blue clock turns into a grey clock, but the
 text inside the text box changes BACK to what my old away message was.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/411>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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