[Pidgin] #457: Aspell online installer has very short timeout

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Mon Apr 30 19:56:32 EDT 2007

#457: Aspell online installer has very short timeout
Reporter:  gw      |       Owner:  datallah       
    Type:  defect  |      Status:  new            
Priority:  minor   |   Component:  winpidgin (gtk)
 Version:  2.0     |    Keywords:                 
 If you choose to install Aspell during Pidgin installation, its installer
 wants to download dictionary files and has a very short timeout limit in
 which the TCP connections need to be established in order to continue.

 If someone has really big networking problems (retorical question: Why is
 he then trying to use Pidgin?) or has a software firewall that asks him to
 allow or disallow connections, it can happen he can't install Aspell (if
 he isn't fast enough in clicking the allow button).

 (Pidgin 2.0.0beta7, Win XP Pro x64)

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/457>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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