[Pidgin] #48: Make SIP/SIMPLE work with Microsoft Live Communication Server

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Wed Aug 8 13:24:39 EDT 2007

#48: Make SIP/SIMPLE work with Microsoft Live Communication Server
  Reporter:  MarkDoliner  |       Owner:  shulman      
      Type:  patch        |      Status:  new          
  Priority:  minor        |   Milestone:               
 Component:  libpurple    |     Version:  2.0          
Resolution:               |    Keywords:  MS LCS SIMPLE
   Pending:  0            |  
Comment (by georgebombadil):

 Replying to [comment:48 miroskriputa]:
 > Guys,
 > I suggests to treat modifications to SIP protocol for LCS as separate
 plugin, with separate Protocol entry. In the end it will anyway become
 separate just as you did with AIM/ICQ which is also basically the same
 > My suggestions for new protocol name is LCS Communicator, cause SIPE is
 not very intuitive and will be always to be explained in brackets.

 Apart from LCS, I'm not too familiar with the other SIP/SIMPLE based IM
 environments out there. If nobody else is using any of the XML extensions,
 then we're probably looking at two completely different protocols that
 just happened to be sitting on top of SIP. It would be a lot easier if the
 extensions were actually an approved part of rfc4662, but since they were
 only a proposal and left to expire, I'm not sure if anyone else will pick
 up on it.

 If we want to extend the SIP plugin, we could flag the initial negotiation
 and use the SIPE/LCS functionality for connections using NTLM and the
 standard SIP functionality for everything else.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/48#comment:53>
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