[Pidgin] #1536: Double-clicking on vertical divider in channel tabs should hide/show userlist

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Mon Jun 4 20:45:15 EDT 2007

#1536: Double-clicking on vertical divider in channel tabs should hide/show
Reporter:  blinken      |       Owner:  datallah                          
    Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  new                               
Priority:  minor        |   Component:  winpidgin (gtk)                   
 Version:  2.0.1        |    Keywords:  userlist window resize MUC channel
 Pending:  0            |  
 I am in some IRC (and jabber MUC) channels that have a static, unchanging
 group of users. It would be great if I could click on the vertical bar (or
 the "n people in room" line) that divides the message window from the
 userlist and hide the userlist. And, if I wanted to see it, then I could
 doubleclick on it. Ie, it would just remember how wide the userlist frame
 was and either hide or show it.

 I don't care if there is just the one width stored for all MUC
 tabs/windows. But I do care about the state of each channel. Ie, some
 channels will have the userlist showing, and others won't.

 I usually have all the channels in a tabbed view.

 pidgin 2.0.1 on windows xpsp2.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/1536>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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