[Pidgin] #1017: further explanation

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Tue May 15 17:05:08 EDT 2007

#1017: further explanation
  Reporter:  tap52384         |       Owner:  datallah              
      Type:  defect           |      Status:  new                   
  Priority:  minor            |   Milestone:                        
 Component:  winpidgin (gtk)  |     Version:  2.0                   
Resolution:                   |    Keywords:  build, pidgin, windows
   Pending:  0                |  
Changes (by datallah):

  * owner:  => datallah
  * component:  webpage => winpidgin (gtk)


 Replying to [comment:4 tap52384]:
 > I appreciate all the help concerning this issue; I would like specific
 instructions as to how to view and/or change $PIDGIN_DEV_ROOT (i believe
 it is your home directory by default, but I wanted to change it to
 c:\development but didn't know how).

 You don't need to change or create the variable - it is just a placeholder
 to mean "A specific location".

 > Additionally, was my picture concerning chmod 755 correct?  I thought it
 was but I would like your expert opinion...are we supposed to chmod 755
 all extracted files, or just those for Mozilla NSS?  Is chmod necessary in

 This actually isn't necessary anymore, there was a problem with an old NSS
 binary.  I will update the instructions.

 > Finally, is there a page that specifically talks about how to compile a
 plugin?  I figured that you would have to compile pidgin in order to
 compile a plugin, or is that an unnecessary process?

 You effectively need to compile pidgin to be able to compile plugins.  We
 don't distribute a windows development package, so you have to compile
 pidgin to make your own.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/1017#comment:5>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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