[Pidgin] #3610: MSNP14 Takes a long time to log-in

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Thu Oct 18 13:26:31 EDT 2007

#3610: MSNP14 Takes a long time to log-in
Reporter:  tomgr   |       Owner:  khc   
    Type:  defect  |      Status:  new   
Priority:  minor   |   Component:  MSN   
 Version:          |    Keywords:  MSNP14
 Pending:  0       |  
 Using the latest monotone compiled for Ubuntu 7.04 MSN takes a very long
 time to log-in. This was originally reported of the Adium trac, and
 therefore more information and the output of debug logs is available at
 [http://trac.adiumx.com/ticket/8133]. A short summary of the problem is as

 1. libpurple connects to contacts.msn.com to retrieve the full address
 book via SOAP.[[BR]]
 2. This connects normally and downloads most of the data.[[BR]]
 3. It then pauses when it is almost done.[[BR]]
 4. No data (not a single packed - viewed via Wireshark) is transmitted in
 either direction once it is paused.[[BR]]
 5. After 50 seconds or so a RST packet is sent from contacts.msn.com which
 causes a SIGPIPE to be thrown (a backtrace is on the Adium ticket) [[BR]]
 6. Immediately after libpurple processes the rest of the data.[[BR]]

 So in summary it appears the data is sitting in a buffer waiting to be
 read by libpurple during the pause.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/3610>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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