[Pidgin] #342: MSN Idle Time Calculations

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Tue Oct 23 16:24:14 EDT 2007

#342: MSN Idle Time Calculations
  Reporter:  rlaager      |       Owner:  khc            
      Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  new            
  Priority:  minor        |   Milestone:  Patches welcome
 Component:  libpurple    |     Version:  2.0            
Resolution:               |    Keywords:                 
   Pending:  0            |  
Comment (by malu):

 Replying to [comment:6 UI-freak]:
 > I would really love a Pidgin calculated idle time. Typically I consult
 the log files for information about when MSN buddies went idle, you can
 tell a lot from that information. If they were idle for 2 hours, then they
 probably wont be online any time soon. If they were only idle for 10
 minutes, then chances are better.
 > Anyway, how about making it an option. I would actually love if Pidgin
 did this for all modes, fx "Away since 2.14 PM" or whatever. If the buddy
 state was away when I logged in, nothing should be shown, or perhaps "idle
 since you logged in".

 The problem as far as I see, is that we only know when contacts get
 reported as idle, not when they became idle. For example if the user's
 client report idle after 10 min., when Pidgin sees that contact is idle,
 the idle time is infact 10 min. But as far as I can remember the official
 MSN client allows setting the number of minuites until reporting itself to
 be idle. So Pidgin can't know for sure (although the default I believe is
 10 min.).

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/342#comment:8>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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