[Pidgin] #3326: Pidgin crashes when saving a modification to an expired buddy pounce

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Wed Sep 26 11:20:16 EDT 2007

#3326: Pidgin crashes when saving a modification to an expired buddy pounce
Reporter:  avoltz  |       Owner:  MarkDoliner
    Type:  defect  |      Status:  new        
Priority:  minor   |   Component:  AIM        
 Version:  2.2.0   |    Keywords:             
 Pending:  0       |  
 To reproduce:

 Create a buddy pounce for when a buddy logs in. Configure it to send a
 message, click  save.

 Reopen buddy pounces dialog, and select the new pounce, click modify.

 Login the other buddy. (This should cause the pounce to disappear from
 buddy pounces dialog. The buddy pounce modification dialog will still be

 Modify the message to be sent to the buddy, and click save. Crash.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/3326>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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