[Pidgin] #58: Pidgin user status detection broken on recent sametime servers (meanwhile)

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Fri Sep 28 13:01:20 EDT 2007

#58: Pidgin user status detection broken on recent sametime servers (meanwhile)
  Reporter:  phil       |       Owner:  siege             
      Type:  defect     |      Status:  new               
  Priority:  major      |   Milestone:                    
 Component:  libpurple  |     Version:  2.0               
Resolution:             |    Keywords:  sametime meanwhile
   Pending:  0          |  
Comment (by kennova):

 Replying to [comment:21 siege]:
 > Sure, find someone else who wants to work on the Meanwhile project and
 have them submit a patch. It's lonely being the only person working on
 that protocol, I'd love some company.

 Isn't that why we are all here providing our names and ability to run
 things, test, and possibly code.  I would imagine most of us know how to
 code, it's getting the environment setup to do so.  I work at a company
 that uses the server, is that enough?  Do we need access to our own
 network with it setup so we can try things?  What can we do, many people
 have already asked and when we provided things nothing happened and we
 received no feedback.  Maybe there is feedback going on offline, but that
 doesn't help the rest of us.

 > Do Not attempt to pin this on anyone but my work on the Meanwhile
 project. I would even go so far as to say that nobody should bother
 commenting on this bug past this point. Bothering Pidgin developers won't
 help you. There is jack that Pidgin could do to fix this. When there's a
 release of the Meanwhile library with this problem fixed, Pidgin should
 just work again.

 You're right I don't want to pin it on anyone, I realize it's open source
 and that you are working on it on your spare time, but again, no updates,
 no feedback start to make people look elsewhere for solutions to their
 problems.  That only makes sense, you've left us no other choice.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/58#comment:22>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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