[Pidgin] #4778: Scheduled status changes

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Sun Apr 20 21:55:12 EDT 2008

#4778: Scheduled status changes
  Reporter:  vertigo_2_20  |       Owner:                                     
      Type:  enhancement   |      Status:  new                                
  Priority:  minor         |   Milestone:  Plugin Suggested                   
 Component:  plugins       |     Version:  2.3.1                              
Resolution:                |    Keywords:  schedule scheduled status invisible
   Pending:  0             |  
Comment (by bbbburns):

 I see a few methods for accomplishing this:

 1. Server side status - grabbed from external calendar
 Cisco currently does this by having the Cisco Presence server grab
 calendar information from Exchange via WebDav for each user it manages
 presence for.

 The Exchange calendar info can be pushed out to the Cisco client or to a
 SameTime server where your status will be set to something like "In a
 meeting" when your schedule says you have a meeting.

 Since pidgin has no control of the server side this option is out, but
 interesting to consider.

 2. Client side status - pulled from an internal source
 The user has a method to input their own hours of availability directly
 into pidgin instead of pulling from an external source.

 This method is much simpler to add since we don't need to integrate with
 an external data source. The framework for programmatically setting away
 message based on some calendar could be one piece.

 This leads us to:

 3. Client side status - grabbed from external calendar
 The client would connect to whatever calendaring source you have available
 and get your status. iCal / Google calendar seem like they might be

 If your calendar says you're in a meeting, or sleeping, or what have you,
 your status can be updated appropriately (and maybe even pull the meeting
 text as well for the away message).

 This would be the most work to configure, but would expand beyond just the
 simple "turn sounds off" use case.

 I'd like to work on this sometime later in May. Integrating Pidgin with an
 external presence source would be pretty cool (and would make my Google
 calendar even more useful).

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/4778#comment:3>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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