[Pidgin] #5650: Unable To Add - Could not add the buddy ... for an unknown reason.

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Sun Apr 27 17:53:09 EDT 2008

#5650: Unable To Add - Could not add the buddy ... for an unknown reason.
Reporter:  Supergeek  |       Owner:  lschiere    
    Type:  defect     |      Status:  new         
Priority:  minor      |   Component:  unclassified
 Version:  2.4.1      |    Keywords:              
 Pending:  0          |  
 I am using Pidgin 2.4.1, and my operating system is Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy

 When I try to add a certain buddy to my list, I get the following error

 Unable To Add
 Could not add the buddy [buddy's name] for an unknown reason.

 The Debug Window reads:

 (17:11:17) oscar: ssi: adding buddy [buddy's name] to group [group name]
 (17:11:17) oscar: ssi: status is 0x0010 for a 0x0008 action with name no
 (17:11:17) oscar: ssi: Action 0x0008 was unsuccessful with error 0x0010

 I have verified with this person that they have not blocked me, but they
 were away from their computer and could not verify whether they could see
 me on their list.

 Please note that wherever there is text [between brackets], the actual
 text was the buddy and group's actual names, which I have hidden for
 privacy.  The brackets were not present in the actual text.

 Update: Now I look at the group, and there are four instances of the buddy
 in that group where I tried to add the buddy.  (I must have tried to add
 the buddy four times.)  I do not know if any of them work properly, or
 which one to delete.

 Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks!

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/5650>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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