[Pidgin] #4799: AIM "AOL System Msg" Suppression/Implementation

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Fri Aug 22 17:17:07 EDT 2008

#4799: AIM "AOL System Msg" Suppression/Implementation
 Reporter:  BHSPitMonkey                            |        Owner:  MarkDoliner
     Type:  enhancement                             |       Status:  new        
Milestone:                                          |    Component:  AIM        
  Version:  2.3.1                                   |   Resolution:             
 Keywords:  aolsystemmsg "aol system msg" multiple  |  

Comment(by daniel):

 Is there any progress on this? Will it ever happen? It has been driving me
 crazy, what with my laptop and desktop both being signed on. Can you do
 something similar to what XMPP does when you sign on in 2 places, where it
 shows a little 'Welcome Back! 1 account was disabled' witha  button to re-
 enable. Of course, this button would kick the others off.

 Is it hard to do? I mean, it is just parsing an IM conversation with a
 certain user. Other clients have done it. Or maybe can a plugin be made
 that can do it?

 It just seems like a simple feature that would please many people.


Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/4799#comment:1>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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