[Pidgin] #3319: MSN group name display support

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Wed Dec 3 01:04:25 EST 2008

#3319: MSN group name display support
 Reporter:  manphiz    |        Owner:  khc
     Type:  patch      |       Status:  new
Milestone:             |    Component:  MSN
  Version:  2.2.0      |   Resolution:     
 Keywords:  msn group  |  

Comment(by SuperMMX):

 Replying to [comment:42 felipec]:

 > MSG example at passport.com Mike 133\r\n
 > You don't see the passport there?

 That is not the passport of the *original message sender* in the case of
 group service, but the passport of the bot (actual buddy in Pidgin). This
 is what I am emphasizing all the time.

 > Look, in conversation A you receive a message from foo at bar.com with a
 "P4-Context" of 'Tim', then, in conversation B you receive a message from
 foo at bar.com with a "P4-Context" of 'John'.
 > Follow the code:
 conversation A:
 PurpleBuddy *buddy = purple_find_buddy(cmdproc->session->account,
 "foo at bar.com");
 buddy->special_alias = g_strdup("Tim");

 conversation B:
 PurpleBuddy *buddy = purple_find_buddy(cmdproc->session->account,
 "foo at bar.com");
 buddy->special_alias = g_strdup("John");
 > If you go to conversation A, which is the value of the 'special alias'?

 I understand your concern. In this case, for the same account, the special
 alias is set in the order of the messages being received, because there is
 only one connection per account, right? And after the message is
 displayed, the value doesn't matter anymore.

 > There's a PurpleConvChatBuddy, just set the right alias there. That
 structure is per-conversation.

 In the group service, the conversation is not a CHAT, but an IM. So the
 special alias can't save in this structure.

 The ultimate goal for the value of P4-Context is to be passed to
 purple_conversation_write", no matter saved in some structure (PurpleBuddy
 in the patch) or future "PurpleMessage" (long term solution) or as a
 parameter directly. It is per message, not per buddy or per conversation.
 I chose PurpleBuddy because there was no side effect.

 BTW, I found that there is a PurpleConvMessage structure, which is exactly
 what I am looking for. But it is only used for history saving, not from
 protocol plugin to core.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/3319#comment:43>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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