[Pidgin] #7801: Buddy Alarm of user login cannot be deactivated

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Fri Dec 19 15:04:19 EST 2008

#7801: Buddy Alarm of user login cannot be deactivated
 Reporter:  softsheep    |        Owner:  lschiere    
     Type:  enhancement  |       Status:  pending     
Milestone:               |    Component:  unclassified
  Version:  2.5.2        |   Resolution:              
 Keywords:  usability    |  
Changes (by softsheep):

  * status:  pending => new


 The cause that makes me thinking "Add" would help is simple... usually
 users don't read long phrases or long texts. If a users spots keywords and
 the keywords fit to his expectation... everything's fine for him/her.

 So how does this work? User wants to 'add alarm'...
 .oO(hugh... try right-click on buddy... ahhh... there's an entry 'buddy
 .oO(ok... click click click... done... where do i close this dialog and
 accept changes?)
 At this point a user will look for something that fits his expectation!
 "Close", "Save", "OK", "Done", "Finish" or even "Add Pounce" would be fine
 for him.

 Otherway round: User wants to 'delete alarm'...
 .oO(hugh... I know, buddy alarm was in right-click menu of buddy... ahh...
 there's 'buddy alarmÄ again...)
 .oO(ok... I switched on "on login" last time for this buddy... ok... the
 chebox is checked, so the alarm's on... uncheck it... done... where do i
 close this dialog and accept changes?)
 At THIS point a user will ALSO look for something that fits this
 expectation! But NOW, "Save", "OK", "Done", "Finish" would fit, but not
 "Add Pounce"!

 The fact that this bug is filed here (and the fact that there has been a
 similar bug report before) is an indication that users MAY go wrong here.
 As changing the button text is a very simple solution at very low costs
 and as it would REALLY HELP people not to missinterpretate the shown
 dialog, it would be a good and cheap improvement to your user interface.

 I do understand your arguments for separating these two functions and the
 way the pounces are treated.

 But my sense and so far experience as a usability engineer tells me, that
 there are many users out there that have had similar problems but didn't
 file bug reports. Do them a favour and make live and use of your good
 messenger a little bit easier.

 And btw: Yes, a right-click menu entry with "remove buddy-alarm" would
 also be a nice idea. Also "Manage buddy-alarms" is thinkable... there are
 many possibilities. My suggestion is just a simple solution with a quite
 nice cost-benefit ratio.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/7801#comment:5>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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