[Pidgin] #4778: Scheduled status changes

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Wed Feb 6 00:36:51 EST 2008

#4778: Scheduled status changes
 Reporter:  vertigo_2_20                         |       Type:  enhancement
   Status:  new                                  |   Priority:  minor      
Component:  plugins                              |    Version:  2.3.1      
 Keywords:  schedule scheduled status invisible  |    Pending:  0          
 I would like to suggest the implementation of scheduled status changes
 either into pidgin or as a plugin, so for example you can set a time for
 each night of the week, preferably independently but at least one setting
 for all week or one for weeknights (Sunday night through Thursday night)
 and one for weekends (Friday and Saturday night), to change the status
 from available to invisible, then change back at a preset time in the
 morning. This way, for users like me that leave pidgin open 24/7, we won't
 be disturbed by incoming IM's while trying to sleep.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/4778>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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