[Pidgin] #4986: automatic chat input field resizing should be optional, regression from 2.3

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Wed Mar 19 13:59:38 EDT 2008

#4986: automatic chat input field resizing should be optional, regression from 2.3
  Reporter:  swbrown       |       Owner:                   
      Type:  enhancement   |      Status:  new              
  Priority:  minor         |   Milestone:                   
 Component:  pidgin (gtk)  |     Version:  2.4.0            
Resolution:                |    Keywords:  chat input resize
   Pending:  0             |  
Comment (by TacBoy):

 Add my name to the list of numerous people that created an account just
 for this bug/feature/change request. That fact alone should probably tip
 the developers off to something.

 I read the entirety of this ticket and have come to a number of

 1) The developers in charge of this area (seanegan appears to be one)
 likes this change personally evidenced by his statements regarding how IM
 is meant to be used and that he thinks the text field is still too big.
 Being human their personal preferences clearly play part regardless of how
 much they will posture otherwise.

 2) One of the key developer issues seems to be that to make it work
 properly would take "too much work", "complicate the code" and "is
 impossible with GTK+". Honestly, if any of the developers I manage came to
 me saying "it's too much work", "impossible" or "I can't do it" they'd
 find themselves in a pot of boiling water. We put a man on the moon, I
 suspect we can manage code features.

 3) There are clearly a number of people that prefer the flexibility to
 have their UI to their liking. And who is to blame them? This is why we
 have skinning, etc. And clearly there MUST be preferences. Why two lines
 of input? Why not one? Why not have the input box not appear unless you
 click on the window? Why? Because that was what was decided. In this case
 however it is being decided for the all users based on a subset of
 people's preferences despite the fact that clearly at some point it was
 seen that giving the users a choice was good. But, it got too difficult
 for the developers and their solution was to yank it rather than deal with
 it. Now they are put on the defensive.

 4) Despite the fact that a subset of the users are asking for a feature
 that was already existent the developers are not going to give them what
 they like. At best they may compromise between what the users want and
 what the developers feel is right.

 As such, feel free to add my name to the number of people that will stop
 using pidgin. It is clearly the developer's right to code the application
 as they wish. It is also clearly my right to use the IM I choose. I choose
 to use one where the developers truly listen to the people using it. I
 shall reinstall Trillian as I review the the code to determine if it is
 worth maintaining my own fork.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/4986#comment:137>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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