[Pidgin] #5447: Buddy list sort by recent activity

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Wed Nov 26 11:39:39 EST 2008

#5447: Buddy list sort by recent activity
 Reporter:  cconnett                 |        Owner:  rlaager     
     Type:  patch                    |       Status:  new         
Milestone:                           |    Component:  pidgin (gtk)
  Version:  2.5.2                    |   Resolution:              
 Keywords:  buddylist sort activity  |  

Comment(by deryni):

 Not being a sort by, well anything, user take this with whatever salt you
 feel is appropriate.

 Imagine having just broken up with person X, having been involved with
 person X for quite a while there is a rather large volume of IM history
 with them. Now, when you start seeing person Y it would be nice if the
 large volume of old IMs (with person X) faded out as a factor of time so
 that the sort order 'corrected' itself more quickly.

 The above also works with employers, coworkers, etc.

 I'm not saying it is important, just that I can definitely see people
 wanting it. Especially when the volume and/or chronological distances are

 That being said, perhaps we should just use a combined method (perhaps
 with a weaker/longer fall-off) and call it "By log activity" and be done
 with it.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/5447#comment:10>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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