[Pidgin] #6934: Stealing Focus

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Mon Sep 1 17:02:05 EDT 2008

#6934: Stealing Focus
 Reporter:  dennishays    |     Owner:  lschiere
     Type:  defect        |    Status:  new     
Component:  unclassified  |   Version:  2.5.1   
 Keywords:  focus         |  
 Whenever I get a message from someone (and I may have more than one chat
 going), I find that Pidgin steals the focus. While that's nice for a
 continuous chat, multitasking on other applications and chat windows is a
 problem when I look up and see my text, intended for one person, has been
 sent to another.

 Is there some command, switch or other hidden toggle where I can disable
 this? if not, then I'd like to report it as a bug (an annoying one at
 that) and have a enable/disable toggle added to Pidgin.

 I'll call it a defect for now, as I'm sure the intent was to make Pidgin
 as friendly as possible (:~>

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/6934>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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