[Pidgin] #8945: "this chat name is already in use" when rejoining chat on gadu gadu

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Tue Apr 14 07:29:19 EDT 2009

#8945: "this chat name is already in use" when rejoining chat on gadu gadu
 Reporter:  kaczus     |     Owner:  bartosz
     Type:  defect     |    Status:  new    
Component:  Gadu-Gadu  |   Version:  2.5.5  
 Keywords:  gadu       |  
 I get the "this chat name is already in use" error when i try to rejoin a
 chat that was added to the buddy list. If I create a new chat with a new
 name and add the same contacts to it that were in a chat that I closed,
 nobody will see the difference. It's the same chat to them. I guess, the
 name of a chat is irrelevant, only the people that were there are

 Also, when I start pidgin, any chat that was opened before will also open
 but with no people in it.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/8945>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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