[Pidgin] #5879: font settings in typing area

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Wed Aug 12 01:05:25 EDT 2009

#5879: font settings in typing area
 Reporter:  andrixnet  |        Owner:              
     Type:  defect     |       Status:  new         
Milestone:             |    Component:  pidgin (gtk)
  Version:  2.5.8      |   Resolution:              
 Keywords:  font       |  

Comment(by deryni):

 I think the most expected behaviour might actually be to keep the
 formatting of the last entered text. Which may be what is currently
 happening, can someone test this? (It sounds like it isn't but I'd like

 I'm not sure always-last is any more consistent (from the user's
 perspective, especially if they've gone back to edit (or potentially edit)
 text) than the current from-insertion-point (assuming it isn't from-last-

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/5879#comment:4>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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