[Pidgin] #9947: Idle buddies don't gray out in 2.6.0 (regression)

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Tue Aug 18 18:41:25 EDT 2009

#9947: Idle buddies don't gray out in 2.6.0 (regression)
 Reporter:  bconway  |        Owner:  rekkanoryo  
     Type:  defect   |       Status:  new         
Milestone:           |    Component:  unclassified
  Version:  2.6.0    |   Resolution:              
 Keywords:           |  
Description changed by bconway:

Old description:

> Idle buddies no longer gray out in 2.6.0, which is a regression from
> 2.5.8. The buddy list does properly show a different icon and an idle
> time, but it is difficult to discern who is idle from a glance. Please
> revert or offer a setting.

New description:

 Idle buddies no longer gray out in 2.6.0, which is a regression from
 2.5.8. The buddy list does properly show a different icon and an idle
 time, but it is difficult to discern who is idle from a glance. Please
 revert or offer a setting.

 Edit: Debian 5.0/Lenny from source with multiple GTK+ themes


Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/9947#comment:1>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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