[Pidgin] #9971: Invalid Certificate Chain For Self-Signed Certs

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Thu Aug 20 18:10:57 EDT 2009

#9971: Invalid Certificate Chain For Self-Signed Certs
 Reporter:  rhpt                             |        Owner:  darkrain42
     Type:  defect                           |       Status:  closed    
Milestone:                                   |    Component:  XMPP      
  Version:  2.6.1                            |   Resolution:  duplicate 
 Keywords:  invalid certificate self signed  |  

Comment(by darkrain42):

 Replying to [comment:7 Dymaxion]:
 > I've hit this problem as well; the server I'm connecting to in this case
 is pretty much out of my control.  SSL is mostly being used to tunnel the
 connection and handle cases where networks are IRC-hostile; whether or not
 the certificate is compromised is of no particular concern.  I'd highly
 prefer that the mechanism for this wasn't intentionally inconvenient, as
 there are legitimate reasons to do keep using expired certs.

 You've made what I consider an argument for allowing self-signed
 certificates (or certificates for which the chain cannot be validated),
 but absolutely not an argument for ''expired'' certificates.

 I will accept the valid use-case for allowing an expired certificate that
 someone needs to continue accessing a service while the certificate is
 expired and in the process of being renewed and, despite my personal
 preference, other developers would like it to prompt the user, which is
 why hopefully the functionality will be changed in 2.6.2.  That said, it
 absolutely should (and will) prompt regularly, as both I and another
 Pidgin developer think it is unacceptable to not be overtly annoying about
 the use of an expired certificate.  Ultimately, the server operator needs
 to fix the certificate; if it's self-signed, there's no excuse for having
 replaced it already.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/9971#comment:8>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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