[Pidgin] #8198: Pidgin client blocked by AOL (ICQ)

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Wed Feb 4 02:14:22 EST 2009

#8198: Pidgin client blocked by AOL (ICQ)
 Reporter:  init    |           Owner:  MarkDoliner
     Type:  defect  |          Status:  new        
Milestone:          |       Component:  ICQ        
  Version:  2.5.4   |      Resolution:             
 Keywords:          |   Launchpad_bug:             

Comment(by MarkDoliner):

 To anyone having this problem: Could you please try the attached patches
 mark1.diff through mark4.diff and let me know which ones work?

 Also, eveel or !NightFox, I'm interested in knowing the exact source of
 the generate_flap_sequence() function in the patch pidgin-NOT-
 UPSTREAM-2.5.4-icq-login-sequence-generation.patch.  Could you please let
 me know how it was created or where you got it from?  I'm trying to figure
 out if it is GPL compatible and that it does not violate copyrights of AOL
 or ICQ software.


Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/8198#comment:124>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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