[Pidgin] #7939: MSN: Authorize Buddy? Person wants to add you to their buddy list

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Sun Jan 4 23:01:36 EST 2009

#7939: MSN: Authorize Buddy?  Person wants to add you to their buddy list
 Reporter:  picklemonkey     |        Owner:  khc
     Type:  defect           |       Status:  new
Milestone:                   |    Component:  MSN
  Version:  2.5.3            |   Resolution:     
 Keywords:  authorize buddy  |  

Comment(by picklemonkey):

 Thanks for the reply, I really do appreciate your efforts here.  I'm
 confused what you mean or what my next steps are in your reply... I have
 tried installing Yahoo Messenger and MSN Messenger on my computer and
 logging in to each service with the native client and neither one gives me
 this buddy issue that Pidgin does.  I'm receiving this message from the
 MSN server every time I log in to it, so I don't think it's a problem with
 her client.  It may have been caused by her client, but the data is being
 sent from the MSN server to Pidgin, which can't handle it, right?

 Thanks again


Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/7939#comment:5>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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