[Pidgin] #8049: Plugins that (automatically) deny auth requests still get prompted for a denial message

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Fri Jan 9 14:28:59 EST 2009

#8049: Plugins that (automatically) deny auth requests still get prompted for a
denial message
 Reporter:  uXs          |     Owner:  MarkDoliner
     Type:  enhancement  |    Status:  new        
Component:  ICQ          |   Version:  2.5.3      
 Keywords:  ICQ, spam    |  
 The ICQ network is full of spam authorization messages. To block these,
 there exist several plugins that block the authorization messsages without
 requiring the user to manually confirm each denial. (Bot Sentry and
 Privacy-please are two such plugins.)

 However, whenever the plugin denies (or drops, I'm not sure how they work)
 a request, I get another pop-up to enter a "Authorization denied message".
 I couldn't care less what message some spammer receives (except that I
 would prefer they didn't receive anything at all), and a pop-up blocker
 that generates a pop-up itself is fairly useless.

 So, please add some functionality somewhere that allows plugins to dismiss
 ICQ authorization requests without generating a pop-up for a denial

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/8049>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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