[Pidgin] #9414: Yahoo! fails to connect, connecting forever

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Fri Jun 19 09:11:07 EDT 2009

#9414: Yahoo! fails to connect, connecting forever
 Reporter:  gagern  |        Owner:  marv  
     Type:  defect  |       Status:  new   
Milestone:          |    Component:  Yahoo!
  Version:  2.5.6   |   Resolution:        
 Keywords:          |  

Comment(by gagern):

 OK, here is a dump of what Yahoo Messenger seems to be doing:
  1. send service=0x57 status=0
  2. recv service=0x57 status=1
  3. DNS lookup for `login.yahoo.com`
  4. HTTPS connection to `login.yahoo.com`, content encrypted
  5. send service=0x54 status=0x5a55aa55 (Wireshark calls this "Web Login")
  6. recv service=0x55 status=0

 So the main difference seems to be the status of the 0x54 authentication

 There is one occurrence in the pidgin code sending a packet with status
 `YAHOO_SERVICE_AUTHRESP`, and it furthermore seems to be disabled using
 the `TRY_WEBMESSENGER_LOGIN` preprocessor switch. So maybe there is some
 code that could be worked on to get this going, I don't know.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/9414#comment:9>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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