[Pidgin] #8730: MSN : "This message cannot be sent:"

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Fri Mar 20 00:25:28 EDT 2009

#8730: MSN : "This message cannot be sent:"
 Reporter:  polytan  |           Owner:  lschiere    
     Type:  defect   |          Status:  closed      
Milestone:           |       Component:  unclassified
  Version:  2.5.5    |      Resolution:  invalid     
 Keywords:           |   Launchpad_bug:              
Changes (by QuLogic):

  * status:  new => closed
  * resolution:  => invalid


 Replying to [comment:2 polytan]:
 > The problem is not to find the text sent, but to KNOW WHICH text hasn't
 been sent.
 > Currently, We just know after a time that a text (we don't know which
 one) hasn't been sent. Sometimes, I've written otthers sentences before
 receiving the error message. I'm not waiting 1 or 2 minutes to check if I
 will get an error message ;)

 The MSN prpl already reports the text of the message that failed to send.
 If you aren't seeing it, then you're seeing an Adium issue.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/8730#comment:3>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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