[Pidgin] #10722: Pidgin sometimes freezes and memory consumption skyrockets when sending a message to offline people in MSN

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Wed Nov 11 14:53:21 EST 2009

#10722: Pidgin sometimes freezes and memory consumption skyrockets when sending a
message to offline people in MSN
 Reporter:  cnicog  |     Owner:  khc  
     Type:  defect  |    Status:  new  
Component:  MSN     |   Version:  2.6.2
 Keywords:          |  
 Like the subject says, sometimes when I send a message to an offline msn
 user pidgin stops responding and if you take a look in the task manager
 the memory consumption skyrockets (I've seen it go to more than 1.5 gigs)

 This doesn't happen all the time, but I get it frequently, at least once
 every 2 days...

 I'm using pidgin 2.6.2 on windows xp 32 bit sp3

 I didn't upgrade to 2.6.3 because it doesn't mention in the changelog any
 fix that might benefit me.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/10722>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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