[Pidgin] #10188: xmpp 5222 connect server required, but not 5223

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Wed Sep 2 18:42:41 EDT 2009

#10188: xmpp 5222 connect server required, but not 5223
 Reporter:  dhalik  |     Owner:  deryni
     Type:  defect  |    Status:  new   
Component:  XMPP    |   Version:  2.6.1 
 Keywords:          |  
 Curious bug our users ran into today against our university xmpp server.
 After setting up an xmpp account, trying to connect to 5222 without
 specifying a connect server results in pidgin permanently sitting at the
 "connecting" stage. Switching to "force old 5223" and setting the port to
 5223 correctly connects to the domain server, still without a connect
 server specified.

 Obviously, If I then set the connect server correctly, 5222 works. So the
 bug would be, why is 5223 correctly defaulting to the domain address when
 no connect server is specified and 5222 not?

 It makes sense that either should both work or both fail. I don't really
 care either way.

 I tested this with some other clients and the user domain was correctly
 used by default for both ports.

 Feel free to test this against domain "rutgers.edu" with a bogus user
 name. You won't be able to log in, but all you need to see/not see is the
 password prompt to verify.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/10188>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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