[Pidgin] #10414: pasted links cannot be edited

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Wed Sep 30 20:38:36 EDT 2009

#10414: pasted links cannot be edited
 Reporter:  zatricky              |     Owner:  rekkanoryo
     Type:  defect                |    Status:  new       
Component:  unclassified          |   Version:  2.6.2     
 Keywords:  link edit plain text  |  
 Any recognised url is automatically converted into a link. This feature
 makes it impossible to edit what is actually sent.

 This is particularly irritating if, for example, I have a URL which is
 very similar to the one I *want* to send. As an exmple:

 I have a link in my clipboard,
 "http://dogma.swiftspirit.co.za/archives/518", and the link I want to send
 is "http://dogma.swiftspirit.co.za/scripts". If I paste into pidgin, it
 results in the following being sent to the remote user:

 "Hey dude, I added a new script: http://dogma.swiftspirit.co.za/scripts

 The same applies for text I don't want to send as a url. If I paste the
 url and I just want to give the server's hostname (this happens a lot in
 the ISP industry), dogma.swiftspirit.co.za, the same full
 "http://dogma.swiftspirit.co.za/archives/518" url is still sent.

 The only way around this at present is to "fix" the text before pasting
 into pidgin.

 Probably the easiest way for the pidgin developers to fix this would be to
 make it so that "Paste as Plain Text" ignores the link conventions.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/10414>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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