[Pidgin] #12450: Port number confusion in XMPP Settings UI leads to connect failure.

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Fri Aug 6 12:30:53 EDT 2010

#12450: Port number confusion in XMPP Settings UI leads to connect failure.
 Reporter:  kaz     |     Owner:  deryni
     Type:  defect  |    Status:  new   
Component:  XMPP    |   Version:  2.7.2 
 Keywords:          |  
 The "Advanced" tab in the "Modify Account" dialog for an XMPP connection
 has these elements:

  [ ]  Require SSL/TLS

  [ ]  Force old (port 5223) SSL

  [ ]  Allow plaintext auth over ...

 Connect port: 5222 _ _ _ _ _  <--- note default value!!!

 Connect server: _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 et cetera.

 This "Force old" checkbox seems to insinuate that port 5223 will be used.
 But in fact if you check this, all it means is that a different kind of
 SSL handshake is used on whichever port is configured below. It does not
 mean that port 5223 is forced.

 This UI element should simply say "use old SSL". Alternatively, if the
 user clicks this, the input field below should change its value to 5223!
 This would clearly show the user that the port configuration is not
 overridden by the checkbox state.

 Lastly, I think that details like this should be hidden from users. Users
 do not understand or care about protocol issues, like old versus new, and
 don't require additional computer trivia to deal with. The program should
 automatically try both protocols to find out which one works (and perhaps
 remember, in a hidden configuration state, which one works, in order to
 optimize future logins). The default for the port number should be blank,
 and if left blank, the software should automatically probe ports 5222 and
 5223 with old and new SSL.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/12450>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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