[Pidgin] #12833: Update Pidgin PPA with 2.7.5 everywhere

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Fri Dec 3 04:04:56 EST 2010

#12833: Update Pidgin PPA with 2.7.5 everywhere
 Reporter:  zyv     |        Owner:  rlaager
     Type:  defect  |       Status:  closed 
Milestone:          |    Component:  webpage
  Version:  2.7.5   |   Resolution:         
 Keywords:          |  

Comment(by rlaager):

 Replying to [comment:22 zyv]:
 > Well, it does not make any sense to me, since "supporting" Hardy LTS per
 se only means to relax two dependencies and disable A/V (and I am willing
 to provide patches against stock Ubuntu packages for this).

 I was hoping for these patches, because I really can't get this to work
 for the amount of time I feel it's worth.

 > At the same time, it makes total sense to me, if this decision has been
 taken, to remove all remaining packages for < Karmic from the PPA and
 state that only Karmic+ is supported in the description.

 The download page says we only support Lucid+. The PPA supported
 distributions list is auto-generated, and will be updated as soon as I
 delete the packages.

 Honestly, I've been waiting to delete them until I'd had a chance to see
 if you could make the packages work on Hardy.

 Also, as a data point: Hardy/Karmic only have 4-5 months of *desktop*
 support remaining, so while it sucks to drop support early, it's not a
 huge loss. I see now that the description ("...which is still going to be
 supported for a couple of years...") suggests you think I would/should
 support an LTS release past the end of its desktop support. That's not
 going to happen even if I could make the packages build on Hardy easily
 right now. Ubuntu drops all the desktop packages (e.g. see
 http://packages.ubuntu.com/pidgin and its lack of a Dapper package).

 > Also, if you want to only support Karmic+, you can remove old text about
 pidgin-ppa or put it into the section saying "Those with HTTP-only access"
 and suggest to use sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name

 I'm well aware of your feelings about the pidgin-ppa package. In contrast,
 I feel that I must provide support for users who upgrade their
 distribution (in place) in a way that doesn't require editing sources.list
 files. Nothing prevents you or other users from adding the PPA in other
 ways, and I do link to its Launchpad page.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/12833#comment:23>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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