[Pidgin] #11347: irc.freenode.net nickserv passwords containing the colon (:) character, specified in the account settings, are improperly escaped

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Thu Feb 11 10:54:43 EST 2010

#11347: irc.freenode.net nickserv passwords containing the colon (:) character,
specified in the account settings, are improperly escaped
 Reporter:  graphiclunarkid              |     Owner:  elb  
     Type:  defect                       |    Status:  new  
Component:  IRC                          |   Version:  2.6.5
 Keywords:  irc password nickserv colon  |  
 I believe this bug was introduced in version 2.6.3. It is still present in
 2.6.5. The behaviour wasn't evident in previous versions.


 irc.freenode.net has a username registration system called nickserv.
 Pidgin currently allows users to specify their nickserv username and
 password in the account settings dialog box. These are then passed to the
 server on connect.

 Users can also identify themselves as the owner of a registered nickname
 once they're connected to irc.freenode.net by issuing the following

 /msg nickserv identify <username> <password>


 If the user's password contains a colon (:) character, the identify
 process fails when the password is sent automatically by Pidgin, but it
 succeeds when the manual command is issued.

 I suspect that nickserv uses the colon (:) character as a parameter
 delimiter for some commands, and that Pidgin is passing the password in a
 way that doesn't correctly escape the character, causing nickserv to
 interpret the password as two separate parameters rather than a single

 Workaround: change account password to something that doesn't contain a

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/11347>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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