[Pidgin] #11323: Not all buddy icons downloading for AIM

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Thu Feb 11 15:01:05 EST 2010

#11323: Not all buddy icons downloading for AIM
 Reporter:  gh4ever  |        Owner:  MarkDoliner
     Type:  defect   |       Status:  pending    
Milestone:           |    Component:  libpurple  
  Version:  2.6.5    |   Resolution:             
 Keywords:           |  
Changes (by gh4ever):

  * status:  pending => new


 It's not that the icons DISAPPEAR when the user logs on with a mobile
 client, it's just that the icon isn't downloaded when they log on with a
 mobile client. If someone logs on the computer and then switches over to
 cell, the icon stays with the cell phone--it is not deleted.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/11323#comment:5>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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